We are currently reading Chapter 3
*Here is the link: https://pastordesmond.com/chapter%203%20The%20Jerico%20Miracle_compressed.pdf
ACTIVITY 2: Goal Worksheet: https://pastordesmond.com/activity2.jpg
ACTIVITY 3: Chapter Questions https://pastordesmond.com/_Chapter%203%20%20jericho%20miracle%20questions.pdf
We are currently in a book study of The Circle Maker. Here is the Link to the book on amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Circle-Maker-Praying-Circles-Greatest/dp/0310346916/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=
Here is the link for Chapters 1-2
Below are some Companion Questions to Chapters 1-2
Activity 1: