A Mother’s Love

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mother’s . Today we celebrate women, knowing that God has entrusted you with many glorious gifts. Endurance and strength is what brought you to this journey of motherhood. Nurturing is embedded in your DNA. Others have made a choice to love going above and beyond without question because their compassion and love lead them there. Finally there are some who have the task of being both mother and father and for those we say your children hold you so close to their hearts and they see your sacrifice. This day is for you, take great joy in it.

There are some who are having a hard time because this journey finds you without your mother. Hold your head up and celebrate her love and all the great memories. There are others whom have felt alienated from their mother for various reasons beyond your control but let me encourage you My God will stick closer and you don’t have to search. God Bless everyone


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