Week 2:
This is the link to our reading of Page 16 thru 25: https://pastordesmond.com/morethanenough/Godismorethanenoughpg16thru25.pdf
This is the link to our Study Questions: https://pastordesmond.com/morethanenough/Questions%20God%20Is%20More%20Than%20Enough%20Chapter%201%20Week%202.pdf
If you haven’t joined the Facebook Group (it’s private give us time to approve) please do so this is where I post immediate schedule changes and resources. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/145879959364130/
Catch Up on our Week 1 Podcast:
On Any Device: https://soundcloud.com/wallacedigital/sets/god-is-more-than-enough-session-1
Apple Podcast Link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/christian-life-studies-w-pastor-desmond-melonie/id1336312250?mt=2