All posts by digitalwa

Ask Pastor Des: Why is it that every time I go to someone for help or advice , I either get a slap in the face or shunned away like they don’t want any thing to do with me?

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous—how well I know it.15 You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb. Psalm 139:13-15 (NLT)

This is in Response to ASK PASTOR DES request:
I want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you. When God made you he took his precious time to stop all that was being done to create such a great and wonderful person. Sometimes those that we may seek for advice may not have our best interest at heart. It is good to have those that we can go to for advice, on the other hand we do have to be careful of those that we allowed in our personal life. We must seek to place our trust and care in God. Peter instructs us to cast or give our cares  to the Lord because he truly does care for you. Even in my own life I had to learn this because there were people that I thought I could confide in but later found out that they did not have my best interest at heart. Seek God and he will place you in the company of those who love and care for you as well as will hear your concerns. They will not only hear your concerns and be in prayer with you but they will give sound biblical advice under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Blessings and love to you,

Pastor Des

Here are a few scriptures for you to read Psalm 139:13 ; Psalm 139:14 ;Psalm 139:15

God’s Timing Part 2

God’s Word alone is unshakable. We can wait for the Lord knowing that, no matter how dark the night is, his light will break through in our lives, bringing abundant joy through a more intimate relationship with Christ.

Waiting doesn’t mean that you don’t have hope.  Hope sets the foundation it is your feet that goes and get it so continue to work toward while you wait with patience for the Lord to for fill his purpose for your life.

The natural man is so self-sufficient. We turn here and there and expect help from natural ability, from friends, or from circumstances, But in the spiritual life we are taught to distrust self and to depend upon the power of the Holy Spirit. Keep trusting His timing in your perspective season of your life.


He may not come when you want Him, but He’s always on Time!

-Pastor Desmond

A Mother’s Love

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mother’s . Today we celebrate women, knowing that God has entrusted you with many glorious gifts. Endurance and strength is what brought you to this journey of motherhood. Nurturing is embedded in your DNA. Others have made a choice to love going above and beyond without question because their compassion and love lead them there. Finally there are some who have the task of being both mother and father and for those we say your children hold you so close to their hearts and they see your sacrifice. This day is for you, take great joy in it.

There are some who are having a hard time because this journey finds you without your mother. Hold your head up and celebrate her love and all the great memories. There are others whom have felt alienated from their mother for various reasons beyond your control but let me encourage you My God will stick closer and you don’t have to search. God Bless everyone


Just Pump!

In the mist of your purpose walk God still is priming you.  This morning I’m encouraged because as you get primed some things get easier. Have you ever had to put oil on your bicycle chain? It’s something about when that chain is oiled it’s easier to ride. It almost feels like a new bike-  that process used to make me want to ride my bike. The zeal increased because of my need for speed, my need for wanting to get to my next destination. This kind of feeling reminds me of how it is when we get saved, full of zeal and there is no mountain high enough that will stop us from wanting to please God and save everybody.

On memory lane: back to this well oiled bicycle that I was riding fast because you all know that’s how it used to be. You know what, when I approached an incline something happened intuitively? I just stood up and I didn’t even have to think about it. God is priming you, oiling your chain and although you may face your incline, your trial, or your challenge. God just is expecting you to do what you know how to do stand up and keep pumping: in righteousness, stand up in faith because you have been primed for this!


TGIF! Take a moment and realize that in order to get you to today God made so many ways for you. Praise God that blesses even me!- to know that He took time and made great provision to get me to the point of today to function in intended Purpose. God has been GOOD and I can’t help but Thank Him!!

Ministry Help


So many of us have been built up and taught with the mindset of doing everything on our own. Whether it was the environment that we were reared or life’s experiences, we tend to take the burden or the bulk and carry it around. I’ve learned and continue to learn more and more, about how to be able to stand up straight and stop causing myself back issues. The only way I can relieve myself from having back issues, is by taking the load off of my back. We, as Christians, carry loads that are not intended for us to carry because of not, truly casting that care or burden to the Lord. I learned this concept at an early age. I was married at a very young age and didn’t truly understand that I could not carry the load of everything, on my back.

I was young and just wanted to keep my family together, no matter what. Being that my parents has gotten divorced when I was about three, I placed everything, in my marriage, on me. I didn’t want to have a broken household. I kept everything inside of me, didn’t express how I felt, I just did what had to be done, for everyone. Although, I had been saved and loved the Lord, and had already accepted the call to ministry, I had reached the breaking point in my life at a young age. To make a long story short, I just had to let go, and let God. I really had to realize that I needed to submit to Him totally. Submitting to Him also included casting everything to Him and just trust Him. Carrying your burdens, as well as the burdens of others, will break you down. I had to realize that God had the situation under control and He had it under control before I even experienced it.     

It is so evident that within the body of Christ, people are dealing with so many health issues that can be directly attributed to stress or carrying their burdens. I have learned to just: back up, calm down, sit down, and let God have His way. I must trust God with and through the process. Even in serving the sheep, in order to provide effective pastoral care; the pastor has to demonstrate his/her dependency on God, to the body. Providing pastoral care is not based upon the strength of the pastor but it is based upon the power and anointing of God. In other words where the pastor is weak God is strong and mighty. The power and anointing comes only through the function of His Spirit, in order to renew, rescue, guide, and protect the sheep.   

Pastor D. Wallace

I need Your Help


In an effort to meet the needs of our ever changing society I need your help let me know about some topics that you would like to learn more about. This survey is completely anonymous and I want you to take some time and let me know some things that you would like me to share with you all.  Thanks

Godly Correction

Correction is a part of everyday life. I think that we are prepared as children to receive correction from our parents no matter how we may feel. Correction, to me, is simply a part of actually training up a child in the way he/ she should go as well as, not sparing the rod. In other words, we learn as children to take correction, and we better stop crying! Thanks: Dad, Mom, Grandpa, Grandma, and all of those who helped to establish an understanding of correction in my life.  

However, I also feel that receiving correction from others is something that we will grow into appreciating. Although, as a child I didn’t like the idea of being corrected, especially as it involved the rod, I have grown into appreciating it. I appreciate the correction received from my parents, because it gave me instruction; taught me limitations and self-discipline, obedience, as well as provided me with the knowledge to know right from wrong.

The (Amplified Bible, AMP) bible says that, “For the Lord disciplines and corrects those whom He loves, And He punishes every son whom He receives and welcomes [to His heart].” Hebrews 12:6 AMP. God, just like our parents disciplines and corrects us because of His love for wanting to see us do well. Even in my own journey of faith, I didn’t know how to accept or even take correction because I thought people were just being critical. However, I can truly say that in growing spiritually and becoming more mature as a Christian adult, I thank God for Godly correction. Godly correction is like the staff and the rod of God recorded in the 23 Psalm which states that God; protects me, corrects me and directs me with the rod and staff. As, a pastor, this resonates to me the importance of providing correction, in love, to the sheep. Sheep may not like to be corrected, but the pastor understands the importance of caring enough for the sheep to give them Godly, guidance and direction for protection.

Godly correction comes through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Godly correction in providing pastoral care should never be based, only upon what we feel is necessary to say but should be, God guided. So, I thank God for providing; direction for protection, though correction.

Pastor Desmond