Tag Archives: artist

A Prayer for This School Year!

Heavenly Father,

Touch the hearts and minds of every teacher,administrator, support worker and substitute. God we ask that you continue to work in their lives as they sow seeds into our children. Lord you know each everyone of them, our prayer is that you meet them where they are. Every storm we ask that you calm so that they can function in a level that is pleasing to you. 

Dear God open the  minds of the students, bring things to their memory as they perform tasks.  Distribute the emotions of teachers and students so that they know how to respond regardless of what is taking place. Bridle tongues this year, dear God as you know that they are powerful tools.

Lord lead us to respond in love and with listening ear. Touch our parents with a measure of inquisitiveness, compassion, and concern. Connect our family units and our communities, lead us in putting our children first. Give us a measure of strength that when its tough we stand strong. 

In Jesus Name Amen

Confession Leads to Possession

Proverbs 18:21King James Version (KJV)
21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Have I ever stopped to think that maybe what I am possessing is the result of what I am confessing. Although it may not look good, it works together for the good especially if you love the Lord there is purpose in each day. I must not allow my words to hold hostage the assignment and purpose of God to be fulfilled in every moment of my life. Just take a moment to stop and speak by faith in the atmosphere.

Even in the midst of negativity and difficult situations take this time to confess God’s Word and speak positive. What kind of investment are you making what are you possess.
I’m a speak by faith over my: marriage, family, relationships, job, finances, purpose, life, health, and etc.

The enemy is a liar so stop speaking as well as believing in his lies, and speak what we know is the truth.



Because of God’s tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, –Luke 1:78

I’m reminded of a morning after dealing with a fun filled night of tough parenting about responsibility. I went to my closet to pull out my church t-shirt and it wasn’t there! My children, well two of them are the size of adults and they both had their t-shirts on. My thought was that, one of y’all have my shirt and then I verbalized it; my son quickly reminded me that we’ve been through this on yesterday and that what was associated with, was in the past and that today was a new day!

Oh the joy in knowing that I have been blessed with an opportunity of the day.  The opportunity is granted through God’s tender mercy and grace.

This opportunity can be met with either me being happy or sad and the truth is: that it’s up to me. The newness of the day lends to great possibilities but a decision has to be made. Today social media has made the term “petty” popular, but petty often times hinders progression. 

Bask in the newness of the Day!

Learning, Leading, Following, and Serving

You only get out of something, what you put into it.

Dealing with Tough Times

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33

Dealing with difficult seasons in your life is never easy. In fact, the season/situation will lend to some form loneliness. During a moment or time throughout your day, you will be forced to deal with that situation. Although, sometimes we might want to put it behind us, one can’t help but consider what is to be learned from this season.

Difficult seasons are humbling ones because you find out a lot about yourself.  You see life tends to hit us head on as we are faced with making decisions. Some of these decisions are life changing while others are but a dot in our day.

The more I call on Jesus the Better I feel!

The truth is when we are having a tough time, we don’t usually collaborate about the situation. We don’t always approach personal issues as a group, and that’s to be understood.

Appreciate the silence and the absence of external factors that often cloud our perspectives and focus your attention on exactly what God’s will is for your life.  The silence, I have to admit feels like a long wait, but it is during this wait that God intends for us to release the weight.

Don’t give people control over your feelings because of the season or situation that you might be dealing with.  Remember that God has set you apart, He has not set you aside and as you work through this, while walking with Him; ask God to lead and guide you about what to say and how to say it. If you ever have a question about what to say, let me encourage you to call on Jesus and I guarantee you will feel better and that you will overcome this thing!

-Lady Mel






Ask Pastor Des?: My Husband Wasn’t Completely Honest…

My husband wasn’t completely honest with me when I asked him about something, he had an opportunity to just tell me instead he ignored it; and then later I found what I was in search of and he had given it to a family member. Was I wrong for going off and I am wrong for being upset?

Lady Mel: My first question is Why did he lie? He obviously lied because he has issues with trust. I’m not necessarily saying that you deserved that response but we have to stop and think did I lead him to this point or is this a response that has developed overtime even as far back as childhood. The family member that he trusted is someone whom I gather he is very close to. I would safely assume that this family member is a parent.  If this indeed who it is we must keep in mind that as we develop relationships and seek guidance from a more spiritual perspective we must then understand that as it is written

In Matthew 19:15 and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh… You have some external relationships that could be contributing to your issues of trust that is conflicting from the direction in which your relationship needs to be headed. Keep in mind marriage takes a great deal of work!  I’m reminded of commercials that say, some assembly required,lol. Well marriage requires more assembly and then some work. Especially as it relates to spiritual growth and development.

It’s okay to be upset, but it’s another thing to go left and out of control. Remember that you are responsible for your anger. Recognize what triggered it and how if you feel those feeling what you need to do to redirect yourself. Patience as a fruit of the Spirit and takes time to develop, trust me I know.

How should you confront it?

The best way to confront the situation is by talking about it and expressing that you were hurt about it.  The best way to overcome this is by doing it together. Issues of trust and fear require open channels of communication and prayer. You also overcome this by continuing to put God first in your relationship and you both get closer to him and further away from external influences then your family unit with function in according the His fundamental foundation for a marriage that is both pleasing and productive for the edification of the kingdom. I could probably continue to share on this post but I think this is a good stopping point if you need further dialogue don’t hesitate to reach out.

Lady Mel

What Were You Expecting?

Sometimes we face challenges or disappointment because our expectations are NOT met, and they aren’t met because  sometimes we don’t clearly or effectively communicate our expectations.

I’m Working For Approval

The question I have on my heart this morning, who am I working to please? We must know that our lives are not given to us by accident. Today we log into social media and we post something in hopes of receiving a like. We polish our profiles, we look busy or like we have the best of times and sometimes even the worst but we get those likes. Leaving us with the idea that maybe just maybe, they like me

Everyone has the inherent desire to feel safe and secure, and human behavior revolves around the need to garner that sense of physical and emotional security. “On a deep emotional level, feeling approved of makes us feel secure with yourself as a person. There is a huge degree of inner peace and security connected to feeling good about who we are.”.  When we aren’t met with approval, we no longer feel safe and protected. “When we meet ridicule or rejection, it can undermine our view of ourselves, “If we internalize this kind of negative feedback, we can begin to doubt our personal worth. This threatens our sense of security and disrupts our inner harmony.” while leading to potential compulsive behaviors.

God has created each and everyone of us to fulfill His purpose for our lives but only we can choose to do so. Many of us want to hear on that Great Day, well done thy good and faithful servant. However, the question to ask is, are we in pursuit of fulfilling His purpose for our lives, so that we can hear those wonderful words? We must know that we are not working for approval from man, but we are working for approval and to be pleasing unto God. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, as he came up out of the water the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove and the Father spoke from heaven and said, this is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased. The question that I ask myself: Can God say the same about me?

I will be the first to tell you that I have had to deal with life’s demands and have, as well,  fallen short. Let me tell you don’t wallow in the guilt or the shame of your past.  Human nature (Flesh) leads us at times to the point of paralyzing shame, but don’t stay there keep pressing until you get to a stage of confession.

What good comes from confession?

Confession brings both humility and spiritual growth which  is essential for your God-given emotional well being.

Understand this, you are forgiven and then seek comfort and support. Remember we are joint heirs with Jesus Christ, we have been washed and cleansed in the blood of Jesus. We’ve been given every opportunity to walk pleasing in the sight of God. I don’t know about you but I am going to make a declaration today, to work for His approval.

Pastor Desmond


Overcoming and Pressing Forward

18 “Do not remember the former things,Or ponder the things of the past.19  “Listen carefully, I am about to do a new thing,Now it will spring forth; Will you not be aware of it?I will even put a road in the wilderness, Rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:18-19 (AMP)

It ain’t over ’till It’s Over 

It ain’t over till it’s over!

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Psalms 126:5

I can  vividly remember being in a pool.  I had ventured off into the deep and before I knew it I went under fighting with all that I had.  Something led me to know that if I didn’t get a hold of myself I was going to drown. There wasn’t a lifeguard in sight.  I went under again and somehow my mind went into survival mode and well, apparently I made it !  Thank God, I had some fight left in me to want to live, thank God he had work for me to do.

How many times in life have we been drowning in our issues? …in our bills with no apparent help in sight but some kind of way you can look back and say that I made it!

Keep fighting it ain’t over!